HKUAA Professional Group Webinar - NFT Song and Metaverse
HKUAA Professional Group Webinar - NFT Song and Metaverse
One of the most ideal practical scenarios for NFT is music, which can change the current non-parallel phenomenon in music industry. Kenneth will tell us how this latest technology will benefit all stick holders and change the music world.
Speaker: Mr. Kenneth Chau

Mr.Chau Kin Wang Kenneth Founder and CEO of iMusic Co-founder of Muxic NFT Marketplace Honorary President of Technology Incubation Network in Hong Kong Science Park.
Mr. Kenneth Chau is a pilot of innovative technology with many new inventions for over two decades. He is the CEO and founder of iMusicTech which is one of the most successful startup in Hong Kong. The company becomes the world champion of NBIA (technology incubator client) 2012 and the Gold award winner in Geneva invention 2013. Kenneth and his team was awarded one of the largest government IT tender, Smart Library last year, introducing brand new system to LCSD and serving Hong Kong for the future 14 years.
Kenneth’s passion for music and technology has never changed. He’s the inventor of iPhone Karaoke and 唱K神器, bringing special music enjoyment to users in 22 countries. Last year he founded a NFT marketplace, Muxic with Professor Francis Lau retired from HKU department of computer science. Muxic creates a fair platform for song creators, investors, supporters and music lovers. Kenneth and Francis take the lead to change the uneven profit sharing in music industry. Kenneth is the early investor in Sandbox and developing the virtual stadium for music performance. Recently he has introduced the Hong Kong first XR, Extended Reality stage and developing his own music Metaverse in coming days.
Kenneth is a famous columnist for many media, including HKET, Ming Pao, ezone, Fortune Insight. Kenneth is studying his doctoral degree now.
Date: 27 Jun 2022 (Monday) Time: 7:30-9pm
Language: Cantonese Free of Charge Quota: 500 (First-come-first-served)
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