prepared by HKUAA
Online Registration
10 Aug 2024
Countries in Pictures – Travel Talk Series – A Rendezvous with Guizhou (貴州邂逅) by Mr. Vincent WONG
Click here for details
30 Jul 2024 - 31 Jul 2024
[FULL] 公暦與十二生肖農暦算法
Click here for details
27 Jul 2024
HKUAA Gourmet Dinner on 27 July 2024 (Sat)
Click here for details
27 Jul 2024
Popular Science Series – Paleontology in Pictures by Mr. Vincent WONG
Click here for details
18 Jun 2024
Breakfast@Central - China’s Balancing Act: Regulating Big Tech vs Promoting Growth
Click here for details
15 Jun 2024
New Graduates Welcome Party and HKU Alumni Prize Presentation on 15 June 2024 (Sat)
Click here for details
1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Guided Tour for the Exhibition Eternity in Transience at Tai Kwun
by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
Click here for details
1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Music Talk & Lunch on 1 June 2024
Click here for details
Hong Kong University Alumni Association

Leica 攝影工作坊

Leica Camera Workshop

我需要擁有Leica相機才能參加該活動嗎? 不用,本活動將為大家提供Leica相機及鏡頭試玩,但歡迎大家攜帶自己的相機及記憶卡作AB test
活動會提供什麼器材試玩? 絕對是夢幻陣容.
相機方面包括有 : M8, M9, M Typ240, SL, Q
鏡頭方面包括有 : Leica Noctilux 50mm F1.0, Leica Elmarit-M 21mm f/2.8 ASPH, LEICA SUMMICRON-M 90mm f/2, LEICA MACRO-ELMAR-M 90mm f/4 等等約20支鏡頭

活動會以菲林相機還是數碼相機為主? 本次活動會以數碼相機為主. 歡迎各參與者與講者交流攝影及執相技巧.
需要有高超的攝影技巧才能參與嗎? 不用,歡迎各位攝影愛好者參加
會否有太多參與者令試玩實拍及實拍的時間很少? 參與者人數上限現為十五人.


Link to enrollment page:

After the completing of enrollment page, please send a soft copy of your pay in slip to our email address : to complete the enrolment. (Please include your Full Name and Mobile Phone number together with the email).
***Payment Method - Deposit to our HSBC Account (by Online, ATM or Counter)***

HSBC Account No: 808-5-000324
Account Name: Hong Kong University Alumni Association

***After you pay, TAKE A PHOTO of the RECEIPT (or screenshot) AND EMAIL US.

Click the link below for the demo of how to pay via HSBC Internet Banking.

For ATM, can transfer via any ATM of HSBC or Hang Seng Bank.

Should you have any queries, please email to

Terms and Notes

*Please be noted that payment is non-refundable. We will charge you only if has place(s) for you. However, you will NOT be charged when the event is fill or/and no place(s) for you.  We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course.

*You may visit our website before you enrol as we will update the places frequently. Please be noted that we will not responsible for any delay in the information.

*All HKU Alumni, HKU Students and their personal friends are welcomed to join this event.


HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues. 

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