prepared by HKUAA
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10 Aug 2024
Countries in Pictures – Travel Talk Series – A Rendezvous with Guizhou (貴州邂逅) by Mr. Vincent WONG
Click here for details
30 Jul 2024 - 31 Jul 2024
[FULL] 公暦與十二生肖農暦算法
Click here for details
27 Jul 2024
HKUAA Gourmet Dinner on 27 July 2024 (Sat)
Click here for details
27 Jul 2024
Popular Science Series – Paleontology in Pictures by Mr. Vincent WONG
Click here for details
18 Jun 2024
Breakfast@Central - China’s Balancing Act: Regulating Big Tech vs Promoting Growth
Click here for details
15 Jun 2024
New Graduates Welcome Party and HKU Alumni Prize Presentation on 15 June 2024 (Sat)
Click here for details
1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Guided Tour for the Exhibition Eternity in Transience at Tai Kwun
by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
Click here for details
1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Music Talk & Lunch on 1 June 2024
Click here for details
Hong Kong University Alumni Association

Music Jam and Singing Party on 7 May 2016
by Professional Alumni Group

日期﹕2016 年 5 月 7 日(星期6)
時間﹕下午 2 時至 6 時正(場地所限,絕不加時)
地點﹕ Orange Peel 

Flat A-C, 2/F, Ho Lee Comm Bldg,

38-44 D'Aguilar Street, Central!location/csxp


費用﹕ 每位 HK$180 (incl. 2 standard drinks)

We would not provide any karaoke system. Please bring along your own DVD if you like sing.
You are also welcome to play the musical instrument on stage and jam with other alumni.

Notice: Participants have to reimburse to the bar for any loss if they damage any instruments at the venue. 

Registration fee

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Tel: (852)2522 7968 Fax: (852)25232660 For inquiry, please contact us
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