[FULL] HKUAA Community Services & YWCA - <<精英運動員愛心送暖行動2019>>義工招募
[FULL] HKUAA Community Services & YWCA – 精英運動員愛心送暖行動2019 義工招募
HKUAA Community Services Team will join the co-event of YWCA to visit isolated elderly in Sai Wan Ho and Quarry Bay areas in this winter season.
Volunteers will be grouped to visit elderly home and distribute donated gifts to show our love and care to the elderly. Don’t miss the chance, please come and join this meaningful event NOW!
Date: 10 Nov 2019 (Sun)
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Y.W.C.A. Ming Yue District Elderly Community Centre, Sai Wan Ho
Gathering Time: 9:10am
Gathering Point: Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station
Capacity: 30 *Your friends and family members are also welcome*

<<精英運動員愛心送暖行動2019>> 招募義工
探訪日期: 2019年11月10日 (星期日)
時間: 上午 9:30 至 中午12:30
地點: 明儒松柏社區服務中心 (香港西灣河鯉景道56號康東邨康瑞樓地下(中心飯堂)) 集合時間:上午 9:10 集合地點:港鐵西灣河站A出口
名額: 30人(HKUAA) 內容: 協助探訪居住於西灣河區/鰂魚涌區的獨居及兩老長者,
備註:1. 參加者會以2-3人小組形式探訪,每小組須攜帶3-4大袋禮物包探訪長者
Enrollment method: In order to join the event, please click *Enrollment* and fill in the form. You will receive a confirmation email in a week upon successful enrollment on the event.
***Deadline of enrollment: 4 Nov 2019 (Mon)
For enquiry, please contact HKUAA Office at 2522 6113.
ALL our past events were FULLY BOOKED in a very short period of time, so please make your reservation NOW!!!
*During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. Please act responsibly and HKUAA will not be liable for any damage, injury or any serious consequences that may be caused. *Children aged under 12 should be accompanied by an adult. Toddlers younger than 3 years are not recommended to join *HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
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