[FULL] HKUAA Whisky Tasting by Professional Alumni Group

Fee: HK$250 per head (including snacks) Talk will be conducted in Cantonese. Quota: 30
Whisky List for Tasting: Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Whisky Tullamore D.E.W. Irish Whisky Wakatsuru Uemsky Deanston (Virgin Oak) Highland Single Malt
Speaker: Mr. Eddie Nara

Eddie Nara is an independent spirits educator and consultant whose fervent passion and extensive knowledge have earned him the reputation as a spirits industry leader across Hong Kong and Asia. Throughout the last decade, he has been on a mission to educate others about the art of whisk(e)y and cognac drinking. He also strives to rectify misconceptions on spirits, and to bring awareness to often neglected spirits-producing countries. To date, he has facilitated masterclasses and tastings for 40 premier whisk(e)y, cognac, gin and rum brands and partnered with over 50 prominent companies.
Currently, Nara serves as a columnist and contributor for numerous esteemed wine and spirits magazines. He also sits and chairs on various judging panels of global spirits and cocktail competitions.
Nara holds the Approved Trainer of The Whisky Ambassador programme, and Certified Spirits Educator (CSE) by The Society of Wine Educators. Furthermore, he was the founding chairman of the first ever whisk(e)y appreciation society in Hong Kong.
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