HKUAA Professional Webinar: 5G speeds up Digital Transformation in the Smart City Era (30 Aug 2021)
HKUAA Professional Webinar: 5G speeds up Digital Transformation in the Smart City Era ("5G加速智慧城市時代數字化轉型”) by Dr. Carlos Tam (30 August 2021, Monday Evening)
數位轉型(DX)正在影響和改變我們現在的工作、娛樂和各種生活方式。數位轉型可以啟發新的業務模型和顛覆整個行業,從而創造前所未有的客戶體驗藉此減少不必要 的競爭。
數位轉型也可以使新加入者利用新興科技和技術,例如利用 5G, 顧客如身臨其境的體驗更加可以加快向不同行業在數位轉型達致創新服務和新的領域。
智慧服務提供商能幫助各行各業實現其運營績效。如利用5G通過支持大規模連接, 超低延遲和超高速的能力,使我們進入了 另一個新的數字時代為政府、組織、企業、 初創企業等帶來了新的商機。 在智慧城市時代,智能服務提供商若能提供可負擔的全套智能產品,服務和解決方案,以促進數位轉型加快智慧城市時代。 這是作為成功關鍵因素之一。
Speaker: Dr Carlos Tam (Assistant Vice President | Digital Business Development Director of Emerging Technologies, Commercial Group, HKT Ltd
Dr. Carlos Tam has more than 30 years of solid experience in Information and Communication Technology ICT and possesses diversified technical and management skills in various functions including engineering, technical support, consulting services, and Business Development.
Dr. Tam has been heavily involved in leading Innovation & Technology I&T initiatives e.g. Smart City, Digital Innovation & Transformation on 5G, AI, VA, Big Data and managing many signature projects originated across different industries in Hong Kong and Macau, including banking and finance, hospitality, gaming, utilities, education and government sectors.
Dr Tam held a BEng (Hon) in Electronic Engineering, Master Business Administrations and Doctor of Business Administrations from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Executive Diploma in Marketing Management & Strategic Marketing in the Hong Kong Chinese University.
Linkedin: Dr Carlos TAM 譚志偉博士 | LinkedIn
Date: 30 August 2021 (Monday Evening) Time: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (ONE hour) Language: Cantonese supplemented with English
Venue: Zoom Webinar Quota: 90 Charge: Free (This webinar is free of charge and prior registration is required. Priority will be given to HKUAA members) Registration Please complete the online registration form below
Registration will be closed one day before the event or when the event is full. A Zoom link for joining the webinar will be sent to successful registrants by email.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
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