The Eighth Hong Kong Mineral Fair
Jointly organised by the Mineralogy Society of Hong Kong and the Stephen Hui Geological Museum at the University of Hong Kong
Fair Information
The Wonderful World of Minerals
29th and 30th March 2014
The fair will be held in the splendid old Loke Yew Hall in the historic main building of the University of Hong Kong. There will be minerals, fossils, books and equipment for sale, beautiful minerals just to look at and a mineral identification game.
The Stephen Hui Geological Museum, also on the main campus, is the only museum in Hong Kong with a permanent exhibition of minerals. Visitors may view this exhibition individually at any time during the fair, or they may join a short museum tour.
When: Saturday 29th March and Sunday 30th March 2014, 10am to 7pm
Where: Loke Yew Hall and the Stephen Hui Geological Museum
Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Talks will be held in room MB103, just across from the Loke Yew Hall.
Topics to be announced.
There is no need to book for any of these talks, just come along on the day.
When you feel like a break from all the activities you can get a drink and a snack at one of the campus cafes.
For more details, please kindly visit
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