HKUAA Professional Webinar: 分享疫情下,如何在家抗疫小Tips by Dr. Sandy Lam (25 March 2022, Friday Evening)
Speaker: Dr. Sandy Lam, 私人執業麻醉專科醫生, MBBS (HKU), FHKCA, FHKAM (anesthesiology), Diploma of Pain Medicine (HKCA)
Topic: 分享疫情下,如何在家抗疫小tips
Date: 25 March 2022 (Friday Evening)
Time: 7:30 pm -8:30 pm
(7:30 pm- 8:15 pm : Webinar Delivered by Speaker) (8:15 pm -8:30 pm : Q&A session)
Language Used: Cantonese supplemented with some English
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Target Audience: HKUAA members and their families
Quota: 90
Charge: Free
Registration Please complete the online registration form below: Click here
Registration will be closed one day before the event or when the event is full. A Zoom link for joining the webinar will be sent to successful registrants by email.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
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