(FULL!) Karaoke and Get-together by Professional Alumni Group
This event is full. Thanks for your support!
Karaoke and Get-together
We are all singers....organised by HKUAA Professional Group
Sunday, Jan. 25th 2015 at 6:30-11:30pm
紅館Private Corner Cafe & Bar (尖沙咀漆咸圍10-12號地庫)
Organised by
This party aims to provide all professionals who are graduates of HKU with a casual and relaxing opportunity to share their views/experience with fellow HKU alumni. This gathering is NOT restricted to any particular discipline and AGE! You are also welcome to bring along your friends.
Fee: HK$250 per head (includes 2 standard drinks and buffet dinner)
Quota: 30 (alumni can bring friends to come)
紅館Private Corner Cafe & Bar (尖沙咀漆咸圍10-12號地庫)
Registration: 1. fill in your details after clicking REGISTER NOW on the right 2.back to this page and then make payment via PAYPAL by choosing number of persons on the right 3. check your email and forward the PAYPAL receipt to josephhku@gmail.com to confirm you have paid
Registration is on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED basis and could only be treated as successful after completing the 3 steps above.
For enquiries about this event, please email to Sr Joseph Chong at josephhku@gmail.com. See you at the gathering and remember to bring along your name cards!
Please note that no refund would be entertained if you cannot participate the event after payment is made (except the event is cancelled because of bad weather condition e.g. Typhoon Signal No.8 or the black rainstorm warning)
Remark: - Please note that this event may be postponed due to typhoon signal no 8 or black rainstorm warning.
- HKUAA's decision is final on the final arrangement of the event