(FULL) Lantern Making 中秋DIY自製燈籠工作坊 by Professional Alumni Group
Lantern Making 中秋DIY自製燈籠工作坊
organised by hkuaa professional group
中秋DIY自製燈籠工作坊 (兩款自選其中一款)
工作坊內容簡介: 大家可親手製作一個屬於自己的燈籠,過一個與別不同的中秋佳節。
備註: 每位可自選製作一個燈籠(熊仔或兔仔),我們提供材料及現場需要使用之工具
Quota: 20 Language: Cantonese
Tutor: Grace Chan
saturday, sep. 6th, 4:30-6:30pm
hong kong university alumni association, central, hong kong
Fee: HK$160 per person
*this class is intended for adult
For registration and payment:
1. Please click Register Now on the right and fill in your information first.
2. Back to this page and pay at the bottom of the page. Only credit card payment will be accepted via Paypal.
3. After payment, you will receive a payment record by email. Please forward the email which you receive with the subject “付給 香港大學校友會 的付款收據” tojosephhku@gmail.com to complete your registration.
Please note that no refund would be entertained if you cannot participate the event after depositing the payment.
For enquiries about this event, please email to Sr Joseph Chong at josephhku@gmail.com . See you at the gathering and remember to bring along your name cards!
本活動安排香港大學校友會有最終決定權。HKUAA reserves all rights in the arrangement of event.
The event will be cancelled if a No. 8 or higher tropical cyclone warning signal or black rainstorm warning is hoisted at any time within 3 hours before the scheduled start time of the event. In the event of event cancellation owing to any of the above-mentioned bad weather condition, the event shall be postponed to any other date determined by HKUAA.