*FULL*Fine Wine Dinner - The Wonderful 2007 Southern Rhone
Fine Wine Dinner - The Wonderful 2007 Southern Rhone
21 May Wednesday 7:30 at HKUAA
Cost : $680 per person for general membership and friends.
$630 per person for Fine Wine Club members*.
The Vintage :
2007 has been hailed the best vintage in 30 years for Southern Rhone ! Parker rated it 98 points (highest rating) together with 1998 and 2000. We shall present to you four distinguished Rhone red of this vintage all with RP scores 95 and more. In addition you will also enjoy a 90+ Chardonnay as a bonus ! And here are the wines :
2007 CDP Cuvée Prestige, Domaine Roger Sabon. Score : RP 95
2007 CDP Hautes Bruquieres, Domaine de la Charbonniere. Score : RP 95+
2007 CDP Domaine Vieille Julienne. Score : RP 95
2007 Gigondas Classique VV, Saint Damien. Score : RP 95+
2011 Mission Estate Reserve Chardonnay. Score : WA 90+
Each table of 12 will be served one bottle each of the wines named above and the Gigondas is a MAGNUM ! So you can be assured that there is enough wine for everyone !
As usual, the chef will serve the signature dishes of HKUAA to go with the fine wines. Seats are limited and please sign up early. The event is self-sponsored and hosted by yours truly chairman of Fine Wine Club.
Tommy Ling
Chairman, Fine Wine Club
* You can join the Fine Wine Club now and enjoy the following benefits :
- Discount for wine dinners
- Two free wine tastings per year
- Wine subscription for 90+ red wines at below market prices
- Circulation of event and market information
Please complete the form in below with payment and email us at
[incomplete information may not be entertained, place(s) will be reserved only if payment is made]:-
***Enrolment Form for Wine Dinner 21 May 2014**
Name in Full (Same as HKID Card):
Year of Graduation:
HKUAA Membership No / HKU University No:
For formality, please provide your friend(s)' FULL name(s) and details as above if you enrol for them (him/her).
***Payment Method 1 - Credit Card (we accept ONLY Visa or Master)***
Please note that by sending email to us with your credit card information, Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA) is authorized to charge the amount indicated by you from your credit card.
Please provide us with the following credit card information for processing payment (MUST use your own credit card):-
Cardholder Name (Same as printed on credit card):
Credit Card Type (Visa / Master):
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card Expiry Date:
Amount to be charged (HK$):
*You may use your own credit card to pay for your friend(s). But you must NOT provide your friend's or third party's credit card.
***Payment Method 2 - Deposit to our HSBC Account (by ATM, Counter or Online)***
HSBC Account No: 848-307666-838
Account Name: Hong Kong University Alumni Association
***After you pay, PLEASE SCAN YOUR RECEIPT (or TAKE A DIGITAL PHOTO) AND EMAIL US. Please KEEP your receipt.
(*Please keep the file size minimum!!!)
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