HKUAA Professional Group Webinar - Coping with Stress under the Current Big Covid Pandemic
HKUAA Professional Group Webinar - Coping with Stress under the Current Big Covid Pandemic
Speaker: Dr. Phyllis K L Chan. 陳國齡醫生

The recent rising and record breaking COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong is stressing everyone out. We are alarmed as an individual, family member, parent or bread winner. It disrupts our daily routine in terms of work, leisure, family and interpersonal relations, health concerns, social mobility and even food and necessities at a 360 level. How could we survive all these challenges and stresses, and face the reality with better preparation both physically and mentally? Could these collective societal experience would boost our resilience in the end ?
Brief Biography of Dr CHAN Kwok-ling, Phyllis Dr Phyllis Chan is the Vice President (General Affairs) of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists. She is Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, LKS Medical Faculty, The University of Hong Kong. She was the Chief of Service (2017-2021) and Consultant Psychiatrist of the Department of Psychiatry, Queen Mary Hospital. Currently she is a partime consultant psychiatrist at QMH and KCH.
Dr. Chan teaches and trains psychiatric trainees doctors and post fellowship specialists, medical students, and other allied health professionals extensively.
Apart from clinical and teaching duties, she has engaged in numerous volunteering work, public education and advocacy for destigmatization.
Date: 21 March 2022 (Monday) Time: 7:30-8:30pm Via Zoom For registration:
Language: Cantonese
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