4th talk: Invest in alternatives assets that are tangible and fun - by Alexandra YUNG (Series 2: Investment, HKUAA Connect with the Experts Programme)
Connect with the Experts Programme
Explore your personal growth journey and career trend with the experts
Series 2: Investment
4th talk of the series:
Invest in alternatives assets that are tangible and fun
Date |
15 July 2021 (Thu)
Time |
7:30 - 8:15pm |
Venue |
Webinar via Zoom
Highlights |
Alternative investments are good ways to diversify your investments since they are non-correlated to the finance markets. I will share my personal journey of how I turned my personal interests like art and whisky into tangible assets. |
Language |
English |
Participants |
Priority will be given to HKUAA members
Charge |
Free (Registration is required)
Please complete the online registration form. A Zoom link for joining the webinar will be sent to successful registrants by email. This event is free of charge and prior registration is required.
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About the speaker
Alexandra YUNG

Born in Scotland, Alexandra Yung has been educated in Hong Kong, Europe and the United States. For the last 10 years prior to joining Macey & Sons she has become a passionate collector of art and rare whisky for investment. She is a Hong Kong Gin Ambassador and has passed her Level 1 WSET with sake. Prior to joining the team she used to run her own marketing and branding company Creasians, which specialised in brandology. As Managing Director, Alexandra is involved in different aspects of the business operations especially in organising special events, exhibitions, as well as sourcing gifted artists and managing art investment portfolios for clients. Alexandra is also a frequent public speaker on both topics for various events.
About the Connect With The Experts Programme, and other talks of the Investment series: Read details here.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
Terms and Notes
*This event is free of charge and registration is required. *Priority is given to HKUAA members. *Number of entry of each talk is subject to maximum limit defined by Zoom. *Registration will be closed one day before the event or when the event is full. A Zoom link for joining the webinar will be sent to successful registrants by email. *Participants will be requested to open video camera during the talk. Those who are not able to open camera in the talk will be put in waiting room. *During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. HKUAA will not liable for any damage, injury or death that may be caused. *The remarks made by the guest speakers in the programme are merely personal opinions of the guest speakers and should not be taken as the views of HKUAA. *The copyright of any material that will be used in speakers' presentations belong to speakers' asset. During the webinars, photography and recordings are not allowed without permission from HKUAA or the speakers. You are advised to seek written permissions to copyrighted materials when applicable. *HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
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