19 Mar 2017 Local Day Tour *Waiting List*
Local Day Tour Yuen Long, Lau Fau Shan Seafood Lunch, Strawberry Farm
Date |
MAR 19, 2017 (SUN) |
Time |
9:45am - 6:00pm |
Gather & Dismiss Point |
Wan Chai (灣仔中旅社) |
Dress Code |
Casual |
Fee |
HK$280 |
行程 : 灣仔中旅社 > 參觀恒香製餅廠 > 有機士多啤梨園 > 流浮山鮑魚海鮮餐 > 雷公田鮮奶農場 > 石崗軍營賞木棉 > 灣仔中旅社
參觀恒香製餅廠 包每一品嚐老婆餅一個
有機士多啤梨園 自費採摘士多啤梨,鮮甜多汁
流浮山鮑魚海鮮餐 果皮蒸鮑魚, 白灼生海蝦, 金粟龍俐柳, 古法金禾烤鴨, 翡翠鴛鴦片, 香橙焗肉排, 蒜茸蒸茄子, 郊外油菜, 絲苗白飯 & 合時生果
雷公田鮮奶農場 位處深山之中,農場面積佔地甚廣,入口處旁邊則是一大片青草地,場主飼養了五頭黑羊,並且供應嫩草予客人作餵飼之用,當然,農場的吸引焦點是鮮奶,除已包裝好的三款全脂、低脂及脫脂鮮奶外,三款必食鮮奶食品:鮮奶芒果布甸、薑汁撞奶及燉奶(須自費),全都是即日製成,而且絕不留過夜,所以每口都是新鮮滋味,其中薑汁撞奶更即叫即撞,店員端上來的時候還是液態,數分鐘後便會自行凝結,入口感覺是濃濃的薑汁味,牛奶味隨後而至。
石崗軍營賞木棉 石崗甲龍古道縱然沒有大山大景,在微涼乾爽的春日,甚是寧靜舒適。3-4月份路上的山指甲、宮粉羊蹄甲、白花羊蹄甲及木棉等花盛放,春意盎然;木棉樹又稱英雄樹,在春天回暖時會開出鮮豔的紅花,八鄉石崗軍營內的道路兩旁就排滿了一棵棵又高又大的木棉樹,稱為木棉夾道。石崗軍營是前英軍軍營,所以軍營的建築設計帶有很濃的英國味。漫天的木棉花加上軍營內的英式宿舍建築,實在是郊遊攝影的好去處。
REMARKS *ALL HKU Alumni, Students and their Friends are welcome to join.
*ALL our past events were always FULL, make your reservation RIGHT NOW!!! *Our staff will try to confirm your reservation within 3 working days, no matter successful or not.
Please complete the form in below with payment and email us at [incomplete information may not be entertained, place(s) will be reserved only if payment is made]:-
***Enrolment Form for Local Day Tour 19Mar2017***
Name in Full (Same as HKID Card):
Year of Graduation:
HKUAA Membersip No / HKU University No:
Phone: Email:
For formality and insurance requirement, please provide your friend(s)' FULL name(s) and details as above if you enrol for them (him/her).
Terms and Notes
*Please be noted that payment is non-refundable. We will charge you only if has place(s) for you. However, you will NOT be charged when the event is fill or/and no place(s) for you. We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course.
*You may visit our website before you enrol as we will update the places frequently. Please be noted that we will not responsible for any delay in the information.
*To comply with the insurance requirement, we will submit the participant's names (but will NOT submit contact) to the service provider. Please make sure you fill-in the name(s) with correct spelling. *Before joining the event, you may consult any professional person for the suitability and risks. During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. HKUAA will not liable for any damage, injury or death that may be caused.
*All HKU Alumni, HKU Students and their personal friends are welcomed to join this event.
HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
Enquiries please email or call HKUAA Adminstration Office at +852 2522-6113.
by HKUAA Young Alumni Group
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