5 Jun 2016 Qianhai Business Startup Talk by Young Alumni Group
Qianhai Business Startup Talk Introduction to business startup in Qianhai (前海) |
Date |
JUN 5, 2016 (SUN) |
Time |
3:00pm - 5:00pm |
Dress Code |
Casual |
Venue |
HKUAA Clubhouse |
1/F, Yip Fung Building, 2 D'Aguilar Street, Central |
Language |
Cantonese |
Refreshment |
Soft Drinks |
Fee |
HK$50 |

Guest Speakers:
Mr Lierence Li 李鑒泉先生 李鑒泉先生現擔任前海國際聯絡服務有限公司公關經理,負責前海管理局在香港的市場推廣及公關事務。此前,李先生曾於眾智亞洲公關擔任公關經理,於企業傳訊、活動策劃上擁有豐富經驗,主要客戶包括澳門特別行政區政府、大昌行集團、信德集團、創奇思集團、星島新聞集團、怡邦行及啟德郵輪碼頭等。李先生曾參與多項大型活動的策劃工作包括世界旅遊經濟論壇、博鰲青年論壇、新世界單車賽及小母牛慈善跑等。多年來,李先生積極參與公眾事務,如協助舉行五四升旗禮及香港青年聯會招工日。
Mr Moses Moyung 慕容志輝先生 慕容志輝先生是前海厚德孵化器董事長助理兼深港聯絡專員。
Dr Alex Li 李德豪博士 李德豪博士1994年進入香港大學電機及電子工程系修讀哲學碩士課程,繼年獲選提升為哲學博士研究生。
李德豪博士是以下公司創辦人: BizCON Solutions Limited,BizCONLINE Limited,佛山市雲端容災信息技術有限公司,深圳市前海雲端容災信息技術有限公司,南京備仕安信息技術有限公司
李德豪博士獲聘為以下機構創新創業導師:香港中文大學(CUHK),香港專業教育學院(IVE), 佛山市禪城區,廣東省青年創新創業示範區互聯網產業園
Mr Horan Fu 傅家豪先生 傅家豪先生,香港大學計算機科學畢業,動力互聯網金融聯席董事,國際演講會前分區總監,青年創業軍會員。他追求有意義的人生,他勤奮開拓事業,立足市場,眼光長遠,助人助己成功。他亦熱心反饋社會,在服務中收獲快樂和滿足。
REMARKS *ALL HKU Alumni, Students and their Friends are welcome to join.
*ALL our past events were always FULL, make your reservation RIGHT NOW!!! *Our staff will try to confirm your reservation within 3 working days, no matter successful or not.
*RESERVATION* [Places available now]
Please complete the form in below with payment and email us at [incomplete information may not be entertained, place(s) will be reserved only if payment is made]:-
***Enrolment Form for Qianhai Business Startup Talk 5Jun2016***
Name in Full (Same as HKID Card):
Year of Graduation:
HKUAA Membersip No / HKU University No:
Phone: Email:
For formality and insurance requirement, please provide your friend(s)' FULL name(s) and details as above if you enrol for them (him/her). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
***Payment Method - Deposit to our HSBC Account (by Online, ATM or Counter)***
HSBC Account No: 808-5-000324
Account Name: Hong Kong University Alumni Association
***After you pay, TAKE A PHOTO of the RECEIPT (or screenshot) AND EMAIL US.
Click here for the demo of how to pay via HSBC Internet Banking. For ATM, can transfer via any ATM of HSBC or Hang Seng Bank.
For current undergraduates (including Class of 2016), please use this link for registration:
Terms and Notes
*Please be noted that payment is non-refundable. We will charge you only if has place(s) for you. However, you will NOT be charged when the event is fill or/and no place(s) for you. We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course.
*You may visit our website before you enrol as we will update the places frequently. Please be noted that we will not responsible for any delay in the information.
*To comply with the insurance requirement, we will submit the participant's names (but will NOT submit contact) to the service provider. Please make sure you fill-in the name(s) with correct spelling. *Before joining the event, you may consult any professional person for the suitability and risks. During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. HKUAA will not liable for any damage, injury or death that may be caused.
*All HKU Alumni, HKU Students and their personal friends are welcomed to join this event.
HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
Enquiries please email or call HKUAA Adminstration Office at +852 2522-6113.
by HKUAA Young Alumni Group
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