Recruit Bloggers - HKUAA BLOG team
HKUAA BLOG team Recruit Bloggers
HKUAA Blog website: Our Facebook Page: Application Link:
Dear HKU Alumni & Students,
Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA) Technology and Operations Group (TOG) would like to invite you to join our HKUAA Blog team.
This invitation opens to HKU Alumni & Undergraduates of ALL years. Both local and non-local undergraduates who are studying in or have graduated from HKU are eligible to apply. Essentially, candidates need to be enthusiastic on blogging. Good Chinese and English writing skills are mostly welcome.
The qualified candidate will not only meet and connect with the family of HKU alumni, but also exposed to an opportunity to make friends with and work with other bloggers to contribute to our University and alumni community.
If you are interested in joining the team, please go to the application link and submit your information.
For any enquiries, please feel free to contact either Keith ( ) or Florence ( )
We are looking forward to receive your application.
Yours sincerely, HKUAA Blog Team Technology and Operations Group Hong Kong University Alumni Association
************************************************************************************************************************************************** Established in the 1920s, Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA) is the top-tier alumni body with the longest history in HKU and over 20,000 members.
HKUAA Clubhouse is located in Central near Lan Kwai Fong - the only alumni association in HKU that owns a clubhouse.
Data held by HKUAA relating to this recruitment will be kept confidential and used only for processing applications. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to have an interview. Applicants who are not contacted within eight weeks may consider their application unsuccessful.
HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
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