.jpg) HKUAA CHOIR established on March 23, 2013  Due to immense and enthusiastic support from HKUAA members, HKUAA Choir has had its first rehearsal and inaugural dinner on Saturday March 23. Dr. Michael Ryan, our Music Director is seen here leading choir members through the songs at the HKUAA club premises in Central. Two major performances will be staged in June 2013 and the details of which will be released at a later date.
     (The evening's Inaugural Dinner was attended by President Mr. S.Y. Tse and 2nd Vice President & Convenor of HKUAA CHOIR Ms. Lucy Cheung, together with Executive Committee members, guests and choir members)
Objectives: A. Performance
1. At HKUAA Alumni Nite 2014 2. At Hong Kong University events 3. At HKUAA’s community service events, e.g. Home for the Elderly; Municipal Hall; Schools… 4. A special a cappella group to be formed for events that do not provide musical instruments
B. Camaraderie amongst HKUAA members
1. As a channel/means by which to get to know more alumni members, be they of varying age group or occupation. 2. As a platform for music lovers – not only for singers. 3. One way to enhance our lifestyle.
C. Choir's Reserve Fund for emergency and development purposes
1. As a fund-raiser, a choir is able to attract sponsors and attendees to its performances, given time and maturity. 2. HKUAA CHOIR might be able to occupy the niche now unavailable to HKUAA since our sole income earner is from our catering services. 3. The CHOIR has the advantage of being mobile in nature. It can outreach to places outside our club premise, all around Hong Kong, and even in the far future stage performances outside of Hong Kong!

(HKUAA members Christmas caroling at World Trade Centre Dec 2012)
Music Director: Dr. Michael Ryan Dr. Ryan has been associated with the Music Department at HKU for the past seven years, directing Chamber Choir, Vocal and Choral Conducting Workshops, besides participating in the 2013 HK Arts Festival.
Rehearsal Schedule:
Every Saturday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. (23/3, 6/4, 13/4, 20/4, 27/4, 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5, 1/6, 8/6, 15/6)
First rehearsal Saturday March 23, 2013.
Auditions of choir members on the same day.
Collection of Sheet Music on the same day.
First PERFORMANCE on Saturday June 22, 2013.
All rehearsals at HKUAA club premises.
Payment terms: HK$800 per choir member per Season.
(Special Offer: For fresh graduates in 2010 and thereafter, there will be a 50% discount on subscription fee of $400 to join the HKUAA Choir)
One Season consists of 12 rehearsals/weeks/3 months
All HKUAA choir members need to be HKUAA members regardless of membership categories.
FREE COFFEE/TEA AFTER EACH REHEARSAL AT AA BAR Enquiries, please contact Ms May Wong our Associate Manager at Tel: 34211218 or by email
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