"Harmony Across Timeless Music"
Dear alumni member,
Join us for an enchanting evening as the HKUAA Choir presents "Harmony Across Timeless Music," a concert celebrating the beauty and diversity of Chinese music. Featuring Yellow River Cantata 黃河大合唱 (movement no. 1,4, and 7) a mix of traditional and contemporary Chinese songs 獅子山下, 東方之珠, and 海闊天空 along with other timeless music, this performance showcases the choir's versatility and the universal language of music. Through powerful melodies and heartfelt lyrics, we aim to bridge musical divides and bring audiences together in a shared timeless experience. Let the harmonious blend of music and genres take you on a journey of esthetic appreciation and unity.
Dr. Lesley Chan, our voluntary music director will continue to direct and exercise his leadership in raising the level of choral singing and performance of HKUAA Choir! We are very grateful for Dr. Chan’s generosity in sharing his time and talents for HKU alumni!
Besides the HKUAA Choir, members of the Vancouver Chinese Choir will join us in the performance. Indeed we welcome and delight in participation of singers from choirs both local and overseas likewise!
The acappella group FlashTrack will also join force in presenting diversity and versatility in the upcoming concert.
Event Details
Performance date:
November 16, 2024 Saturday evening
Performance venue:
Methodist International Church (MIC)
First and Balcony Floors
271 Queen's Rd E, Wan Chai
Rehearsal Venues:
HKUAA Clubhouse, 1st Floor Yip Fung Building, 2D’ Aguilar Street, Central
from August 24 Saturday ( date of audition) to November 9
3:00-4:30 pm inclusive
M.I.C. 6th Floor Community Hall
November 15, 7:00-9:00 pm
November 16, 2:00-5:00 pm
Rehearsal Schedule:
August 24, Audition of all applicants (No need to prepare a song. Please check the time allotted to you for audition to be sent by section leaders)
August 31
September 7,14,21,28
October 5,12,19,26
November 2,9,15 (Friday),16
Total number of rehearsals: 13
Subscription fee:
$1,080 per person
Discount Offer:
HKU first degree holders from 2018 onwards will enjoy a 50% discount of the subscription fee.
*Upon approval of Dr. Lesley Chan and the allotment of voice part, on August 24, choir members are expected to pay the subscription fee; by cheque to HKUAA or by Bank Transfer HSBC #808-5-000324*
Method of application:
Application Form
Deadline of Application:
August 12, 2024
To be advised
Free Coffee or Tea at DB Lounge after each rehearsal.
Look forward to your positive response in the near future!
Contact email for enquiry:
With warm regards,
Lucy Cheung
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