HKUAA Professional Webinar 唔呃Like的社交媒體營銷時代 by Mr. Bernie Wong (31 May 2021 Monday)
HKUAA Professional Webinar: "唔呃Like的社交媒體營銷時代" by Mr. Bernie Wong
今時今日, 品牌做社交媒體營銷, 唔一定要呃Like 況且新制度下, Facebook 無得再Like, 你知唔知? 喺唔呃Like嘅社交媒體營銷時代, 無Like可呃不等如無計可施,細細聲話你知點用Storytelling贏得目標客戶人心!
Speaker: Mr. Bernie Wong Social Stand 數碼營銷公司創辦人, 創意廣告及社交媒體營銷專家,曾與馬莎 (Marks & Spencer),GAP,Adidas,迪士尼 (Disney) 及《財富》 500強品牌合作。他是一位營銷演講者,大學廣告講師,電台主持,專欄作家。 畢業於香港中文大學新媒體理學碩士,目前正在香港理工大學攻讀市場營銷學工商管理博士。 Linkedin: Website:

Date: 31 May 2021 (Monday) Time: 7:30 - 8:30 pm Language: Cantonese Venue: Zoom Webinar Quota: 90 Charge: Free (This webinar is free of charge and prior registration is required. Priority will be given to HKUAA members
Registration Please complete the online registration form below Webinar Registration - Zoom
Registration will be closed one day before the event or when the event is full. A Zoom link for joining the webinar will be sent to successful registrants by email.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
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